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Side by Side, Like the Wing of a Plane - Ka manne da ni, kamar fikafikan jirgi

 I am right at the edge of my queen size bed,  you've stuck to my side like the side wing of a plane,  over whatapp last night your grandma sighed,  "he has shot up", with awe "look at his length" In chap the karshen godo na be zurfin sarauniya,  ka mana mini a gafe kamman , gafen hanun jigi,  a man whatapp jiya daddera kakanka ta tayi numfashi,  "ya kara tsoho," da mamaki "dubi tsayin sa" Refined Version (English) I am right at the edge of my queen-size bed, You’ve stuck to my side like the wing of a plane. Over WhatsApp last night, your grandma sighed, "He’s really shot up! Look at how tall he’s gotten." Refined Version (Hausa) A gaban gadon sarauniya na, Kana manne da ni kamar yadda jigon jirgi yake manne. A cikin hirar WhatsApp jiya, kakanka ta yi numfashi, "Ya kara girma! Dubi tsayin sa."

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