Hutun Karshen Mako Ya Shige: Yaya Zan Sa Lahadi Ta Daɗe? - The Weekend Slipped Away: How Can I Make Sunday Last Longer?
It is Sunday already, where did the weekend go?
All week I have been looking forward to the last work hours of Friday,
It came and went without a remark and now we are almost back to the grind,
what can I do within Sunday to make the hours stretch?
Sunday ya zo, a yaki, ina weekend yaje?
Duk satin da ya wuce ina to jira, karshin lokacin barin akin ranan Juma'a
Gashi ya zo ya tafi ba ma lura ba, lokacin koma aikin nazua,
mai nene zan iya yin da Sunday na sa lokaci ya dadde?
From ChatGPT
Lahadi ta zo a guje, ina hutun karshen mako ya shige?
Duk makon da ya wuce, ina jiran ƙarshen aikin ranar Juma’a.
Gashi ta zo ta wuce ba tare da an lura ba, yanzu kuma lokaci ya kusa komawa aiki.
Me zan iya yi a Lahadi domin lokaci ya daɗe?
It’s Sunday already—where did the weekend go?
All week, I have been looking forward to the final work hours of Friday.
It came and went without a remark, and now we’re almost back to the grind.
What can I do this Sunday to make the hours stretch?
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