Tommy (TV 2020) fanfiction Abigail Thomas/Kiley Mills
Tommy was confident in her work and confident in her belief in justice, in right, and wrong. As the first female chief of police of a major city, she had learned through pain and sacrifice. She was expected to exude confidence at every press conference and departmental meeting but tonight it was different. She couldn't go to the home, she was staying with her daughter after the move from New York and she was persona non grata after she had done nothing to hide the claims against her son-in-law, Henry. She trusted in the system and her job had historically been a source of contention between herself and her daughter Kate. It had been her hope that moving to the same city as her daughter would be a new beginning and soothe old wounds between them and Lord knows her daughter did not see her as a typical mother. Definitely not the type of mother she wanted as a teen.
She tried to shrug off the gloomy thoughts as she was driven in the police chauffeured car to the Weston hotel by the airport. A notification on her phone caught her attention. A police bulletin, she swiped that close and without overthinking it searched her phone contacts for K and dialed. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach and slight queasiness. Before she changed her mind she heard the sports agent's voice.
"This is Kiley, what's up?"
Was it too late to call, Tommy exhaled and with a steady voice said. "Kiley it's Tommy."
"I know, hi Tommy. What can I do for you?"
Of course, she knew who was on the line, she had her number saved. "Are you up for a late dinner? I understand if it's short notice."
"Was going to do some work prep for a meeting tomorrow afternoon. What were you thinking?"
"It's ok if you can't. I can take a rain check."
"Hey!" Kiley's voice sounded soft. "Are you ok?"
"Long day at work, nothing new."
"But something different?"
Kiley sounded like she was moving about while she was talking to Tommy over the phone her voice was muffled as though she was getting dressed. Tommy didn't like how exposed she felt.
"I've got a busy day tomorrow, it's probably not a good idea."
"Don't you dare change your mind, you've got me dressed and out the door. Pin me your address I know a place that's has great steaks this late."
Tommy was left with dead air, she looked at her phone and thought to herself did Kiley always take charge? Would that be a problem? She looked up at the driver's mirror and caught herself smiling.
Tommy was in the shower when she heard her phone ring. Dang it!
"Hi, it's me."
"Hi, you"
"I'm downstairs."
"Oh! yes! sure! Give me a sec I'll get you escorted up."
Tommy dialed her security team.
"Yes, Anderson, please bring Ms. Mills up thank you." She said in a firm professional voice.
"Yes, Mam!"
She should not have had a shower it might seem presumptuous but she was stressed and needed to feel clean after the day she has had.
A quiet knock on her door, rushed her to the door to answer. She looked around the room self-conscious again and opened the door to the warmest smile she had been on a receiving end on for a while.
"Hi" Kiley's eyes twinkled, lifting the takeaway bag. "I hope you're hungry."
Tommy felt very hungry and she wasn't sure it was just for the food.
"Come in, there's a table on the side over there. And some glasses over by the fridge. Let me just get into something more comfortable."
"Oh please," Kiley says as she walks to put her bags down. "Don't change on my account."
Tommy looked down at the gape her hotel bathrobe was making. "Believe me, it's for my account" as she walked into the bedroom. There were some perks to being chief of police.
She pulled up a clean police t-shirt and lounge pants and pulled a face. Should she change into something smarter?
"Hey! You ok in there?" Kiley's teasing voice floated to her and made up her mind.
She straightened her posture unconsciously and opened the bedroom door and walked into the suite.
Kiley had laid the food out on the table and the smell was delicious.
"Here" Kiley handed Tommy a glass of red wine. She sipped looking Tommy right in the eyes.
"Thank you", was that her voice. It sounded strong like always but there was a smoky timbre she had never noticed before.
"Come, sit. The food is getting cold." Tommy walked to the table and sat opposite Kiley. There were two dishes of steak and mash and another dish with steamed vegetables that Kiley was tucking into with gusto.
Another difference Tommy thought. "You really like your veggies don't you?"
Kiley looked up and caught her eye, mid-chew. Her gorgeous wide mouth chewing with closed lips. Some of her lipstick was worn out. It felt like minutes but probably a lot less.
"oh, don't tell me. You don't like anything green? Kiley's voice smiled at her again. Teasingly.
"Mmm not if I can help it," Tommy said as she tucked into the steak and creamy potatoes. This is delicious.
"A friend of mine recommended this place, I am glad you like it."
"Yes, it goes well with the wine as well, did your friend recommend the wine?"
Kiley gave Tommy a look that let her know she was choosing to ignore the implication of her words.
"Try this" Kiley leaned over the table with a fork full of colorful vegetables.
Was this going to be the beginning of the end? Tommy was a straight shooter and if she didn't like something she would say. She had used the last of her diplomacy at work today and she needed to have a stress-free evening.
She smiled tightly and took a little bit of the food Kiley was feeding her.
Kiley laughed out loud, startling Tommy.
But Kiley just leaned forward over the food and kissed Tommy's brows.
"Was it that bad?" Kiley asked?
"No, it was not that bad." And with that Tommy leaned over and brushed her lips over Kiley's gently.
They stared at each other.
"It's getting late"
"Yes, it is."
"We should get some sleep."
"Yes, we should."
Kiley's hands were in Tommy's she wasn't aware of how it had happened. Her hands were so soft and Tommy felt herself getting lost in Kiley's eyes.
"I've got a spare t-shirt that might fit you"
"Have a care with my ego."
"I didn't mean it that way."
"How did you mean it?"
Tommy tried not to think about how stretched her t-shirt would be across Kiley's buxom. She got up, walked to the bedroom got to the door, and turned slightly then said "bring the wine and glasses with you."
"Yes, mam!"
Outwardly Tommy was calm and cool walking away in total control but Kiley was also a woman who had conquered a man's world and she knew she was gorgeous, she was smart and she always got what she wanted and she wanted Tommy.
Kiley took her time in-suite, removing her high-heeled shoes, she covered the leftover food and put them in the mini-fridge. She undid the cuffs of her silk expensive blouse and walked barefoot, enjoying the feel of the carpet beneath her feet.
She could see past Tommy's exterior, she knew Tommy was nervous, what she couldn't predict was how that nervousness would play out. She was attracted to Tommy but she didn't want to waste time with anyone emotionally unavailable. And Tommy's predominant signal was loud and clear.
She walked into the bedroom stretched her hand "My nightshirt please?"
Tommy was sitting up in bed with the covers on her lap. "I thought maybe you changed your mind," she said quietly.
"Did you want me to?" Tommy shook her head slowly.
"Ok then," Kiley unbuttoned the top of her tailored trousers, folded them, and walked to the dressing table where she carefully hung them. With her back towards the bed, she slowly undid the button of her cream shirt as Tommy just looked on.
"What time is your meeting tomorrow?" "Not sure," Tommy said the situation is fluid.
"We should get some sleep then," Kiley said as she slid off her shirt and turned around to pick up the nightshirt Tommy had left out for her.
Tommy kneeled on the bed and crawled towards the end of the bed as Kiley's shirt went over her head as the hem reached her thigh she felt Tommy's hands on her lifting the shirt right back off.
The night beg
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