The talk


I like you, Duniya said while lying on the sofa by the bed. 

I like you too. Kyakyawa said blandly. 

You know what I mean. I really like you. She didn't get up. In case it all blew up in her face. This way, the  cowards way left room for manoeuvre. 

And I, Kyakyawa said from the dressing table where she was cleaning her skin with cotton and some precious serum. 

I really like you too. 

Duniya was about to push it. They needed to talk about this. 

Kyakyawa beat her to it. I really really like you Duniya. But that is all. 

Are we not friends? Do you not enjoy my company? 

Duniya felt like a lesbian cliche, parked in the friend zone. 

But something in her was adamant today. I want to be more than just friends she said boldly. 

What else could be more important than friendship, Kyakyawa started to say. 

Duniya was not giving her a chance. The woman was a skilled politician and an astute lawyer even though she chose not to practice. 

Duniya wondered if she was allowed to practice to work outside of her home. She wondered about her "arrangement" with her husband. But this was not the time to get distracted. 

They needed to have a talk. She didn't care how it ended. 

I want to make love to you, with you. Duniya said loudly. 

Kyakyawa looked at her in the mirror and said clearly.  I am not like you. 

I don't sleep with women. I sleep with men. I am married to a man. I am a mother. I have a life here. 

And you are happy? Duniya asked, still lying down on the sofa, looking at Kyakyawa through her reflection in the mirror.

I am happier than you are, Kyakyawa said bluntly. 

She walked over to where Duniya was lying on the sofa. She leaned over her in her negligee and gently kissed Duniya on the lips. 

I think it is time for you to go home. My son's is coming to see me with his wife. I am pretty sure she is pregnant. 

A sad cloud passed over Kyakyawa's face. She was in her own world worried about the pregnancy, it wasn't the first, but there must always be hope. 

Duniya felt immature again, there she was talking about liking and sex while Kyakyawa was this matriarch trying to building something Duniya was not included in. 

Fuck it! She got up and pulled Kyakyawa towards her and kissed her. She meant to just punish her maybe with the kiss for hurting her and making her feel so small. 

But Kyakyawa surprised her, she parted her lips and Duniya felt the cold slip of her tongue. Blinding light behind her eyes. This was not happening. 

But it was, there was no resistance in Kyakyawa. She wasn't passive, more curious than passionate. Duniya felt frustrated. She sucked on her tongue, tugged on her lips, kissed her along her neck, tugging at the skin with her teeth.

Her scent overwhelmed her. She wanted more and hated her weakness. 

You can't make someone want you, the phrase ran across her consciousness. She had heard it somewhere. Maybe in a song. 

But she wanted this woman. She wanted this woman with a need that sprung deep within her soul. She could see all the red flags, the danger signs, the reasoning why she should cut her losses and walk away. 

But this woman who was looking at her, kissing her with eyes open was unapologetic, unresisting. 

Kyakyawa pulled away and walked to her makeup chair and continued putting on her makeup. 

Duniya stood up, walked behind her. She put hands on her, covered Kyakyawa's shoulders with her palms. Looking at their reflection, she pushed the sleeve of the negligee down and grasp her breasts through her bra and held them firmly. 

A knock on the door, startled them both. Duniya did not stop. She starred at Kyakyawa's eyes as she pushed away the bra material covering her breasts and held her heavy naked breasts in her hands. Feeling the weight of them, holding underneath the warm glorious orbs. 

Her knees felt weak, but she was determined to try and do something, get something. To try to at least feel. To face the haunting  ache. To realise the feel and warmth of this woman who had taken over her senses. 

There was that knock again. Duniya did not move. She lightly squeezed at Kyakyawa's breasts. 

Hajiya? The door was being opened. Someone was walking in. Kyakyawa did not flinch, she did not cover herself. Did not move, did not make any move to remove Duniya's hands or cover her nakedness. 

She starred right back at Duniya's eyes. Duniya starred back. 

Hajiya, the voice said walking in to the room. Duniya remove her hands slowly, pulling up the material covering Kyakyawa's breasts in the process and those dark taut heavy nipples and walked back to the sofa. 

Hajiya, it was Kyakyawa's young niece whom she was raising. A reminder of the her responsibilities and what she had going on.

Kawu is here. Her niece replied. 

Is he? Kyakyawa said in a normal voice. Good. Make sure they have refreshments and tell them to bring me my blue kaftan. I want something simple tonight. 


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