inspired by H3R

 her skin on my leg burring thud thud thud is my heartbeat dry mouth and weary should she be here? whoosh is the sound drowning my ear I want you to touch me as lightly as a finger tip tracing love notes on my skin love me taste me kiss my wet lips with my wetness sweet tangy grown ancient recipe of womanhood 

exhale, let my warm breathe tickle your throat, i see the hairs on you skin rise in concert with my beating heart dry mouth fear, lick my lips with your heat the flames of mine heart.

I lie here thinking I am worth it, funny its doesn't occur to me to think is she worth it, why is she here, what have I done, what if I don't what if she doesn't all tight and dry thought of not coming flood my head I can't feel the heat on my skin cause my thoughts are in the way I am almost there but I just can't reach it

Turn her round sit on top let me look down at her framed through my breast are we rocking, is this a power play can surrender, no. 

It feels like a battle not a dance, we are strangers, her smooth lines and funny ways got my attention, my curves and my wit got her in the door, is this a one time thing or a promise for more to come? Can the spectres of our past selves let us be, do wish to be free or do we pull it close,  a blanket an armour an amulet for protection can the scabs of our past life give us space to breathe

will we find each other or is the end of line before it even begone

Swipe swipe, right right, 

curly hair freckle face, large smile bright eyes

text text, chat chat

who are you, where are you from, 

do you have pets, 

do you have kids

what do you do 

who do you know

I think you're cute

you think I'm bold

when should we meet

what should we do 

I've been on this App for hours to count, 

swiping left, swiping right

answering the same questions over and over again

trying to be fresh, lets keep light, I like you, you like 

what are we doing letting Corona mess us up

I've got a mask, you've got a mask

I'll bring a bottle, of sanitisers

I'll bring a hoop to keep us apart

just say yes to a date, and will we keep the distance, 

I think you're cute, 

you think I'm bold

just bold enough to steal a kiss from your sweet lips

we can hold hands,

 we can be bold,

 we can be friends, 

we can be free

 to look at each other in the eyes,

 for all the world to see

you're on this App

I'm on this App

we're looking for love

that's all it really comes down too

let's not fear and disappointments colour this chance that we've both found

Maybe this spark that we have in here, 

in this virtual world keep us apart, 

I could be yours, 

you could be mine, 

we won't even know, 

If we don't even try.


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