Harry Dunn's extradition rejected - yep UK you are still America's Bitch!

The BBC banner's scream Harry Dunn's extradition rejected. Duh! In what world was America going to grant you one of their citizens to trial. On the plus side a woman won on the other why does the UK ever believe they are in a healthy equal relationship with the US? Remember Blair and Bush where you cringed every time Blair talked about weapons of mass destruction and you thinking erm.. no it sounds like a US talking point. Are we the tail to the US dog? Not even that, you are ball left behind after the dog gets bored of chewing.

And the thing is apart from Bubba Clinton who at least pretended to be genial at no time has America not bitched slapped the UK except when Mother Thatcher had Reagan under her spell. America says what they want,  do what they like and the UK like a hang around friend just tags along and pays for drinks.


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