Coronavirus the latest bug killing China. The timing is suspect. Trump in Davos, China growing then whoosh! A virus, a reason to discriminate, a reason to shut down China and keep the country down. I don't know about China, Wuhan or anything. I know about Hong Kong and their fight with China. Who are the Chinese, apart from movies and news who knows? They are the future, they have numbers, they make business with the poor countries and keep out of their way. What can stop China from being number one. I am pretty sure its not trade war nor a Corona beer virus. Apparently it comes from snakes? In Africa it comes from monkey's in funny how that is huh? Which country is going to win this global number one spot. It has to be China, they have numbers equal dumb and smart people in a proportion that is better than the west. But the West controls the narrative, of what is cool, and new and 'cultured. Who has not consumed western values through western media. It tells me I am ugly because I am not white, it tells me I am poor because I don't have a 44 inch TV, it tells me I am smart cause I think Trump is dumb, it tells me I'm liberal because I am gay. I don't know a Chinese person, I have nothing but media to tell me who they are. And now there is a virus, like SARs, do viruses come every 20 years? Is the sheep killing disease coming back to the UK? Did Foot and mouth disease come before SARS, I know ebola came after both. At least there is no new AID's like disease instead we have smart bacteria waiting for their time. Ignore Greta Thunberg, the bugs will kill before the climate does. To be honest, we are going to kill ourselves before then, we will continue waring and whore-ing, and raping and reaping. No virus is going to kill especially not one cause by Corona beer. Spain has enough on its plate with Catalania.
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