
Is my crazy showing under my skirt like a brand new St Michael’s underwear from Marks and Spencer?
Can you see the straggling threads on my calves from the badly tailored brightly printed dress I am wearing?
She thinks I am crazy she moves me on, I let her make me cry and then tells me I have a choice?
What choice? Can an illiterate read? Does she not rely on words read out to her, your words and hope it is not just all hot smoke to pass me on to someone else’s plate?

I don’t want to be nudged into some desperate relationship because my point isn’t strong enough to carry my weight.
Falling into some mess sticky all over pasting onto any availability,
I should take it an run if it is all darkness I should glory in it.
Are you kidding me I am left with this? Questioning myself? My thoughts, doubting my actions?

Yes I was on this path already but no you were supposed to hold me hand and guide me out of this murk not   send me crashing down another gutter stench street.

The wind has blown me far long gone
am I now more lost than the lost I was before you
Please come in and be comfortable if only I could take back the invite
Be comfortable as I tell you, show you my worries can you help
help in the way that want but don't know it
Don't know not sure which part is me and what is foreign
imprinted in my head by you does that confirm your diagnosis of crazies within me
I refute but we shall see

My goodness she's pushed me I am letting her push me over the edge cause all I want to do is eat and sleep and not be presently aware anymore


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