compatible partners

if you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?

If I could accomplish only one thing in this life is a tough question. My first thought is, I really would like to have built something genuine with the most amazing bewildering woman. And with her reflected back the love and respect we share. I would love us to build a large warm noisy messy family together. I would love to be her safe place and she mine.  If I had one wish it would be find someone who inspires me by being herself and hopefully I also inspire.

Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is unimportant. What are you going to do?
We could just randomly pick any city in the world and just explore it. Taking loads of pictures, writing about whatever inspires us on a whim, making up silly songs, taking in as much live music as we can from street music to huge arenas. Taking in the politics and the people and the history absorbing the experience and sharing it with someone who will hopefully still be a friend at the end of it.
Oh don’t forget the food please join me while I eat my way through the local cuisine

What are you looking for in a relationship partner?

Someone who would enjoy getting to know me and someone I would enjoying getting to know

What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?
A large warm family home with loads of messy kids toys exhausting children and a fantastically bewildering wife whom I absolutely adore. Supporting, inspiring and being there for each other. Realising old dreams and creating new ones separately and as a unit. And a huge comfy sofa we would all snuggle onto.

If you had three wishes, what would they be?
To only do work which enriches me and others
To swim the backstroke without a ripple
To be with the one whose love mirrors mine

Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost is unimportant. What are you going to do?

We would go on a tour of all the urban cities in the world and I would get to know you better through our conversations and actions, your pictures and music if you fancy. I would invite you to try the signature dishes of every region we went to and be curious about the politics and societies we would encounter. And I might take some pictures of people, us and others and write about our perceptions and influences or do nothing at all. We would go to as much live music as we could stand from street music to small joints to huge arenas and dance and laugh just making treasured memories and by the end of the trip I would hope to at least call you a friend.  


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