blow something up

 do your pieces fit together?
because mine don’t
 or if they do
they don’t feel right
if they are right
they don’t seem right
do yours?
you've figured it out eh?
you didn't even know
there was a problem huh?
I see problems

like you
you don’t exist
and if you did
we would
never speak
at least not
like this
because hellos would have to be said
not unlikely I know
then connections to be made
not impossible for sure
and trust established
for a short while why not
then faces revealed
masks unveiled
all possible with
 lots of vomiting
to summarise we have
identified – transcripted – transcribed – translated – yay biology! 
down to the particulate we are the same
till you open your mouth
your eyes
and all that is within forms
outward gibberish
but we don’t comprehend

approval=attention=worth=acceptance=validation=community=home=inclusion=aloness=worth=value=place=importance=self acceptance=peace 


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