This child
That kid loves you, the child you presently shout on, tut from a seemingly endless pit of faults by your values. You raise your child that's right, and I a childless observer can only comment that, that child, the child of yours loves you in the purest, sincere way.When the child grows and the memories are of the harshness of your tone, the rules, the disappointment please catch a breath and yet see the future change. A future may be, you stable yourself as age will do what time commands. This child, this beautiful child so full of love you the mother will flinch in reflex to your reaching arms though your movement be in steadying yourself. The babe this beautiful gift, oblivious of guile reacting in truth, this human being naively manipulating without hate nor complexity.This love like a house plant bent, twisting finding the sun. Step back, show love more important than brains, or manners, or the perfect façade of a human being.You do what you do to raise your child right, do what you do but remember this gift this child is love.
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