So! I have ordered this modafinil, 200 mg. Not sure it will arrive before my exams. Not sure if I should thank Newsnight for the heads up. It was not cheap.
I already have anger issues so not looking forward to any madness.
Will see, it has also just occurred to me that I naturally exhibit some of the traits of people on drugs. The high highs and severe lows, I wonder if people have been wondering behind my back. I also am naturally paranoid. J
1. Tony says:
Coupled with piracetam this seems to be working well. Just make sure you take it with a choline source (Alpha-GPC) or acetylcholinerase inhibitor (Huperzine-A) for full effect and you’ll be remember so much more of what you study it’s unreal.
1. D.Ross says:
took a 200mg, people should mention the concentration, tablet today for first time. after 1.5 hours my heart rate increased ALOT to the point in which it was worringly comparable to my cocaine experience, which wore off after 30-45 minutes but my heart rate was still high. i felt fantastic and unbeliveably energetic though it did not increase my concentration actually it seemed to do the opposite I tended to google off topic things alot and ended up doing only 1.5 pages of my lab report intro, though i seemed to obsess over each sentence until I felt it was perfect.
after 10 hours I felt still very energetic, my legs kept shaking of their own will and I had a very dull but irratating headache. I think I will skip tommorow and take 50mg the following day.
from the provigil website it states that it could cause steven johnson syndrome, when epidermis and dermis begin to seperate as the immune system turns on you. though was found 1 in 1585 patients so is not overly worrying but should be stopped immediatly if a rash occurs.
there are 4 stages of sleep remember so perhaps the test subjects are not reaching the final stages. if the final stage of sleep (REM) is not reached the neurotransmitters in the brain do not turn off therefore do not rest which will impair mental ability. also physically your body needs rest as during sleep your metabolism slows down considerably allowing muscle relaxation.
was just checking some stuff in the library and thought i’d share though seems to have turned into a mini lecture
As is true of the moral hysteria surrounding most psychoactive substances, the so-called “side effects” and “dangers” discussed in this article are in fact nothing more than the repercussions of misuse. You are not meant to use Modafinil et al in order to go without sleep. That is the whole point of the drug in fact, and the important way in which it differs from amphetamines or methedrines – it gives you the alertness, focus and super-productivity but without the tossing and turning insomnia afterwards. Why anyone would deliberately attempt to use Modafinil in order to mimic the very symptoms of insomnia that it does NOT give a person, is beyond my understanding! It seems like the author was afraid of being 100% positive about the substance and so had to introduce the tired old “drug warning” angle for (yawn) “balance”. This would have been a much more interesting article if all the silly students had been sure to get 4-5 hours sleep a night, and made sure they ate something decent every day, they could undoubtedly have continued being hyperproductive on Modafinil for a lot longer than 5 days! In fact, I have just ordered some online for that very reason. Let me explain: during my uni years in San Francisco my group of friends used high-grade crystal methedrine to become super-productive at crunch times and always aced every subject and did unbelievable feats in record time. But the forced sleep deprivation did indeed take its toll, plus many of my friends turned into hopeless speed addicts! Some died. I am very excited about a drug that can reproduce the super-focus of my meth experiences without the insomnia and crash and dead friends stuff. As I’m a writer, I pull late-nights anyway, and this will only help me. I repeat – taking it and DELIBERATELY going without sleep when the drug is specifically designed to avoid this usual stimulant side-effect is STOOOPID. Try, fail. Try again – fail better. x Love from 66witches
1. JC says:
I take it regularly. Everyday. I work in the city and have a very time demanding job so the more concentration I can get the better. Here’s the deal with this medication (online w/o presciption):
Weightloss from lack of appetite: also used as a diet pill in US. Weight loss usually accurs when pill is taken first thing on an empty stomach. However, although you don’t ‘feel’ hungry, you can still eat. And when you eat, your appetite returns to normality: i.e you can eat dinner if you had lunch. But, were you to skip breakfast and lunch because you don’t feel hungry, you’ll probably skip dinner too.
The pill works more efficiently on empty stomach
Do not take with alcohol. I currently take it with Cigs and Coffee = bad idea. messes your concentration. Trick with this medication to reduce side effects are SLEEP. don’t get in the habit of taking sleeping pils though – you’ll feel rotten after a few times.
This medication makes you suicidal after a while. If you take it for 4/5days a week continually (e.g for work), your emotions will be screwed in the evenings. After about 12hours the dug works in reverse. You became very dazed and pause for a long time when having conversations with people while you try and remember what you were just saying to them a few seconds ago. It’s frustrating as people just think you’re weird or have some sort of brain disorder. Unless they’re clever enough to pick up your on drugs.
About the suicide part; there REALLY needs to be more research on this. This medication is a mild stimullant and coupled wth caffeine and nicotine, it gives you a required ‘high’. however, the emotional imbalance experienced regularly at the end of the day is evident in many forms. When you first take it in morning, you feel happy, blissfull etc etc. High emotional state (possitve). After a taxing and mentally druelling day at work, you come home and you are mentally tired but physically awake and unable to sleep. Bring on the high emotional state: negative. I cry all the time for no reason in the evening, i snap at my partner, and I thank the Lord that I don’t own a shotgun. Because if I did, I would be dead. The drug messes with your hormones severly (which is why I also got pregnant twice while I was taking the pill; I didn’t realise this drug was stopping my contraceptive from working). You become paranoid about things, you focus on things so intently that it stops you concentrating on what’s actually important. example: my boss asked me to produce some data on a spreadsheet and give to him before a meeting that afternoon. I spent about 3 hours on and off (no steady concentration) fixing the size of the cells of the spreadsheet and making sure the colour coding of different sections matched correctly and looked nice and ironing out any faults with the borders on the page etc etc. I spent so long concentrating on this that I ran out of time to actaully put the data in the cells. See what I mean? Misplaced concentration. You only seem to be able to concentrate on things that excite you. Trust me. And once you start you loose track of time and become too fixacted on unimportant things. I could go on, but will not. More research is needed on this medications reaction to every day life for smokers, suicidal ideation and coffee.
1. JC says:
I forgot to mention the scary headaches as a side effect too.
And the weird dreams when you don’t sleep fpr long enough. I dream about seriously weird stuff!
1. Southern Boy says:
Since experiencing a severe road accident five years ago I have suffered from manic depression, I take carbamazepine in a reasonably small dose each night before I sleep, it rids me of unecessary anxiety and allows me to focus. The only problem with this is that it makes me very drowsy, I usually don’t wakeup and become alert until around midday. which whilst holding down a 25 hour a week job and in the last year of University is not helpful. So I take Modafinil.
My advice to anyone who is going to take it is be SENSIBLE and BE SAFE, the people on this thread and in the article who have experienced severe or unwanted side effects are people who in some form have abused this drug by mixing it with alternative stimulants such as caffeine or by trying to stay up for 4+ days on it! This really is idiotic!
I only ever take it before 11.30am (100-200mg) otherwise I will struggle to sleep – which when on it doesn’t feel like an issue as u feel incredibly focused, calm and you produce good quality work very quickly as you do not get the normal distractions for procrastination.
If you do start taking it, I highly recommend splitting it up, try 25mg, then 50mg, then 100mg over different days WITH decent sleep. This way you will be able to measure the effect on your body, how long it lasts and be able to use it sensibly.
Unfortunately the main issue with this drug is that it needs to be moderated because alot of people will and obviously do abuse it by taking excessively unhealthy quantities, taking it for too long without sleep and not eating properly. Remember.. this is a drug. But one that will define me by an entire degree classification no doubt.
1. Anon.. says:
I ordered some it arrived on monday, I took and the ‘magic’ happened now the following day… it did not have the same effects. I then tried it after a break of a day and tried it today. Still not much apart from appetite suppression and people saying i looked wacked out despite sleeping properly. I will try again wi armodafinil tommorow and then try and get some work done.
It does not seem to be anything special people… Infact the days it did not work i have done less work, then normal.
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