♪ Happy Bday to me♪

I was born today 33 years ago, my mother cannot be trusted when it comes to the specifics. But I would like to think that I was a child of the night after excruciating prolonged labour and was loved at first sight.
Meanwhile whilst my father might have been feting his new bride. My mother was alone in a teaching hospital in Jos with the daughter of Father’s then good friend for company. She would become one of my earliest crushes. I think I was eleven at the time.
I’m sitting at work after my birthday party. We had a black forest gateau from patisserie Valerie, I had presents and a whole bunch of people I shameless made sing to me. All in all not bad at all, I gave my birthday mate her present a orchid plant. And there was even a baby present.
Babies... hmm, he was cute.
 Haven’t spoken to my mum in a while on purpose, she is the last person you want to talk to when you are feeling fragile.
Did I tell you I had a tigger mug!! I kind of made it happen. Apparently I am shameless when it come to my birthday. T double g r!
Socially I am so much better, I carried out a small talk without even noticing and I was at ease.
So many good things are happening. So many good things I am able to notice and appreciate.
I am in a much better place. I am stronger, less bitter, less desperate, less emotionally stunted.
I wonder if it is age or just the relentless exposure to situations at work.
Can you believe that I don’t miss classes? Not French, not Tai chi, still struggling with studying though.
I don’t feel the urge to go out and “have fun” – could be that nasty after taste of D’s party.
I wake up in the morning and do M’s challenges. I think about improving Yoga and maybe I am more accepting of the negative violent feelings i get.
I am a stronger, more rounded human being.
The sadness is still there lurking. It is a fog around my chest not cloying but present.
My hair, I look like a hot mess. I am tempted to give in perm it, get it done. I know I have said this before but I think last week I just got the breaking under control. My sis gave me her AVEDA hair remedy and it was amazing. I just started using infusium mixed with my normal leave in. Fingers crossed.
It’s not as important the length, but it is something I must achieve just because I am trying.
Like I will pass my exams in November even though I am still at the beginning of the syllabus, like will get apply for H’s job and get it because I will put the effort in.
I am scrimping like a squirrel and that does get me down. I have lived on £20 a week before but it is not what something I will allow myself to do.
I am investing heavily in my, the mental me, the physical me, the intellectual me. Regardless that it is my 33rd year on this world I am laying my foundations for my beginning and it will be one I will enjoy and hate with equal passion.
I still have not been intimate for long time, years now and I will not under any circumstance sleep with a man, any man.
I will not under any circumstance sleep with any woman just because. They because I have no intention of just sticking to one, they will all have something that I admire or can respect. And they had better be good in bed and have loads of stamina because it has been a long, long while.
And I am ravenous.


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