Chat your way up the career ladder

“Say hello with appropriate energy, not too over the top, but not too underplayed, and respect their personal space. Don’t be afraid to leave a pause after you’ve broken the ice. It’s a bit like dating, if you are a desperate date you’re going to get a desperate reaction. Then share something about yourself, preferably on a non-work related topic”.
Building a grapevine of contacts within the organisation means that you will hear information that can be useful to your career.”
“If people know you, and have a positive impression of you, then you will have a distinct advantage over others who are less well known.”
Remember to keep office chat short and light-hearted. “Beware of anywhere there’s an audience,”
“You don’t want to look like you’re gossiping, and colleagues can sometimes feel threatened if they see you being friendly with influential people. Set up a lunch date or grab a coffee if you want to discuss something important.”


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