I wish he would just keep away. Oh no! Here he comes! Ambling into the office and calling my name. Like I can’t see him?
Yes John, one word answers, change of tone does nothing to dent his skull.
I am bored. I want to go home.
Go home then I repeat saying more with my body language and voice.
He is strolling around the desk with his hands in his pocket.
I am bored, he says again.
I fell like the mother of a 40 year old toddler?
Why don’t you just read a book? Straining my voice, trying to be civil
I have a book but the phone keeps ringing, he quickly whine back.
Obviously your job is getting in the way of your boredom. The sarcasm is wasted on him.
Why don’t we call my son? He says like I was interested.
Because, I say slowly trying not scream. I am at work, I emphasise every syllable.
Let's call him and tell him it’s from the Citizen’s advice bureau. He continues like he didn't hear me.
Say his father called in and is devastated cause he lost at Golf to him last weekend.
I am not calling your son. I stare at the screen surely he will get the message.
I am going to get us a pint of milk.
I don’t bother repeating I am fasting.
The weekend was a completely normal. Full of the usual missed opportunities and uninspiring
Jamul! He is calling my name again.
Look at your face? I know everyone hates Mondays he laughs and continues jabbering on.
The phone rings he’s off again, he’ll be back again. A whole-puncher can make a lot of damage and head wound bleeds a lot.
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