In whose name is London burning!”

Clucking middle classes lament, “In whose name is London burning!”

Homes, businesses, journeys to and fro

They’re disgusting! Burning buildings, wrecking cars, smashing windows, looting stores

Irrational teens high on mayhem and excitement

Buck authority, challenge the state, lead the police on a feckless chase

It’s your summer make your noise see the world take a moment for you

Reckless, young, incoherent hormones not slave to purpose, aim or goal

Savvy kids, consumerism bred,
It’s all faceless

Multinationals, paper money, hedging-insurance, murky maths

Thinly held in society’s fabric, marginal schools, gentrified neighbours, parent working 12 hour shifts

The long summer with nothing to lose

First it was the unions, then the students, now is the youngster of 14 or 17

It’s a lost cause but they don’t care
Its summer, they are fed up

In whose name is London burning?



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