mug of water x 3 + 1 mug of coffee

Today is the first day
Before I have a mug of coffee I must drink 3 mugs of water
I wonder how far I can take it.
Should I try a jug of water with before every full plate of food too?

Side effects - frequent visits to the ladies. My bladder was sensitive anyway so this is "interesting".
Shaolin kung fu class at 7 tonight. Dropped out of Muy Thai ran out of money and I was stressing myself out, drowining in paranoa.

I am 70 kg this morning. Yasser thinks I should loose weight, I do too. Harrie thinks not.Cezare says I am big from waist downwards lol ( he is an idiot!)

So far I haven't missed a French lesson, or softball though it was a close call this week. Attended the CIMA seminar.

Did I mention that I had a spectacular melt down and didn't do my exams in November. I think this May. Must remember deadline is March.

I am to pay the mortgage now, I have had the nightmares already. I will be fine. Broke but fine :).

Blogger is so antiquated how come it doesn't have a smiley face? What is with the nightmare when using word? So unhelpful :(

I could say my ass and legs are huge cos I'm doing the NYC ballet exercises. Damn thing is killing my legs. I muscle easy hence large ass.
To be fair my ass was large way before. Spent most of Xmas alone. Eating, sleeping, streaming shows.

I thought alot, slept alot, relaxed alot. Till I was so sore and tired of the bed my back ached.

I had to use the other side of the bed. Loved it all.

I am glad I have job, jeez!

Anyway things to do. This is not the year of exclusion or self imposed exiles or restrictions like last year.

This year is going to be chilled. No matter what happens. I am ok with myself at last.

I need to find the it - I need a reason to study accounting. I am not motivated by the thought of a good pay. Though I long for a house with a garden fully paid


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