Back Stretching Exercises

Warm-up Exercise before Stretching Exercises
Always warm up before stretching exercises. Five minutes even marching on the spot is enough.
Pelvic Tilt: lower back stretching exercise (also strengthens abs)Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor. Tighten buttocks and abdomen, flattening small of back against the floor. Hold for a count of five. Slowly relax. Repeat five - fifteen times.

Knee to Chest: Gluteal stretching exercise
Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor. Grasp left leg behind the knee/back of thigh and pull knee towards left shoulder. Hold for a count of five. Switch sides. Repeat 5 times.
Piriformis Stretch: (Stretches Muscles that lie beneath gluteal muscles)
Sit on chairPlace your left ankle over your right leg, just above the knee and lean forward. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.
Basic Twist: lower back stretching exercise.
Lie on back, arms stretched out to the sides. Bend knees and bring knees up close to your chest Take a deep breath Exhale as you slowly lower knees (keep knees together) to floor to the right or as close to the floor as is comfortable. Pause. Inhale as you slowly return your knees to chest. Exhale as you slowly lower knees to left side Inhale as you return your knees to chest. Repeat about 5 times.
The Cat: back stretching exercise
Begin on all fours, hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Inhale as you drop tummy towards the floor and look up over your head. Exhale as you bring your tummy back up, rounding your back as you tuck your chin in and tuck your tailbone in. Move slowly back and forth between these two positions pausing on each pose. Repeat about 5 times.

The Cobra: back and chest stretching exercise
Lay flat on stomach, forehead to ground, with arms bent and palms down on the ground under the shoulders. Push downward with arms as you raise your upper torso and arch your back. Hold for 3 full breaths before slowly bringing the upper torso back down to the ground.
Shoulder, Back, Arms Stretch:Stand with knees slightly bent. Interlace fingers, extend arms forward at shoulder level. Turn palms out and reach your arms further until you feel a stretch. Hold 10 - 20 seconds. Repeat
Chest Stretch:Stand with knees slightly bent. Hands behind the back, fingers interlaced. Turn palms up extend arms backward. Do not arch the back. Hold 10 - 20 seconds.
Sides, Waist Stretch:Stand with knees slightly flexed. (Can also be done sitting down) Place your right hand behind your head. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and pull gently. Bend slowly to the left until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold 10 - 20 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat.
Shortened hamstrings can contribute to sway back
Hamstring (back of thigh) Stretch:Sitting on floor, extend right leg, place left foot against right knee. Lean forward (keeping back straight), reaching for foot until you feel a slight pull on you hamstring. Hold for 10 - 20 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat
Hamstring (back of thigh) Stretch:Lying flat on back. Raise left leg up. Grab leg and pull up further until you feel a gentle pull in the hamstring Hold for 10 - 20 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat.
Shortened quadriceps can contribute to sway back
Quadriceps (front of thigh) Stretch:Stand up. Bend your knee behind you, grab your ankle and gently pull your heel toward you buttocks until you feel a gentle pull on the front of your thigh. Hold for 10 - 20 seconds. Switch sides. Repeat.
Wall Back Stretch: back / neck stretching exercise
Stand up with your back against the wall. Try to press the small of your back and the back of your neck toward the wall. Hold for 10 - 30 seconds. Do not overstretch!
Neck Roll:To loosen up the neck, where many people carry their stress: Stand or sit up straight with the bottom of your spine turned under. (Do not arch your back) Let your head fall forward, keeping the neck and shoulders relaxed. Slowly roll your head to one side, then let it drop and roll to the other side. Be careful not to overstretch. Do not roll the neck backwards.


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