Hair Winter Woes

Winter woes

Hair condition deteriorates in winter and new growth slows down

Never leave the house with wet hair in winter. Hair can freeze which causes high-level damage to weak hair

Restoring products packed with proteins and vitamins make hair more resilient during the winter

Apply a little moisture every day, especially at the tips to stop them frizzing and drying out

If wearing a hat ensure you remove it regularly to stop sebaceous glands working overtime leaving hair greasy

Hair pays a price while you stay warm
Central heating zaps moisture, leaching hydration from your hair and skin
Leave a bowl of water by your radiator to help with dry out
Cook up your own conditioner

Recipe from G Baldwin & Co home made hair repair treatment
10 ml solid coconut oil
10 ml Olive oil
5 ml jojoba oil
5 drops roman chamomile essential oil
5 drops of rosemary essential oil

Directions: Melt the coconut oil over heat in a bain-marie (a bowl placed in simmering water, add the almond, olive and jojoba oil then mix. Allow the mixture to cool and add essential oil drops. Massage into the hair, cover with cling film and a warm towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Use the shampoo to clean without wetting the hair first after deep conditioning

[Extracted from a free morning paper metro]


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