Middle Age

When you are thirty nine and a man, mumps is the last thing you need!

How ghastly! Such a young thing’s disease!

With their youth and fresh skin

I am almost always tempted to bite!


Don’t ask I know

Is that a sanitary pad you have under your belt?

Menopause, you know hot flushes, mood swings

Bleeding like mad

Yes been to the doctors

Oil of evening primrose, Star flower oil, does that make you fat?

It’s the mother’s genes you know and my sister’s too

Started early and by 50 it was all over!

Someone I know started at 30!

Gosh I should text my mum

Mother’s side you say not fathers side you’re sure

You can talk! You’ve finished having yours

Don’t worry indeed!

I wasn’t even thinking of starting

Tell a lie


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