Would you choose a boy or a girl
There seems to be a lot more girls than boys
A casual observation someone made in a Dubai mall
It is not based on facts of course, but I looked round a sure enough most of the little brats scurrying along the mall with their father or mother or both or neither were girls.
Well said I trying to be liberal it is possible that the little boys are somewhere else.
Now why I need to label my statement liberal is whole nother train of thought
Where possibly could all the little boys be?
Is the next generation going to be generation XX?
On the plus side I breathe an unconscious sigh of relief, I’ve heard a few
“scary stories” about little girls being buried alive
“scary stories” about little girls being buried alive
A nation run by women, what kind of society will it be I wonder?
Strong women - weak men, strong women – strong men, weak women – strong men, men and women living parallel lives?
Will it be run by fear, dogma, nurture, compassion?
Will one gender be elevated, relegated, idealised, denigrated, neither?
Would it be such a bad thing either?
I guess the biggest fear I fear is technology
I hear you can find the best and the latest here
If you could would you
Choose to have a boy or a girl?
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