Safety, security, society

“Our enemies have watches but we have time”, an Afghan Taliban quote related by Douglas Alexander
I declare that I am a reactionary
In a taxi listening to the driver
When my daughter is 12 she will go to Afghanistan or Pakistan or Dubai or Saudi
Maybe not Saudi, they think they are better than everyone
Their children have no respect.
My nephew came when he was 12, he is always bringing trouble
Police is coming
His cousins back in Afghanistan are studying IT respect their father, and their elders
My nephew you cannot talk to
My nephew goes out at 9 and comes home at 3
I barely make the usual counter arguments, the Taliban et al.
I think about all the daughters
I think about all the daughters
Is it worse to have had a taste freedom?
Freedom my word
Respect his word
We all ultimately want the same thing don’t we?
Safety, security, society
A daughter’s choice
A daughter’s choice


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