Notes on dubai

Poor hotels regardless of the number of stars outside its starts out with the disadvantage of not being home – Dubai Jawhara
Notes on Dubai
  1. 1. Non biometric passport? Get your eyes scanned b/4 reaching immigration
  2. 2. Don’t bother leaving your hotel between 2 & 4
  3. 3. Avoid traffic into town btw 12-2
  4. 4. Avoid traffic out of town btw 2-4
  5. 5. The price of chilli should not cost more than your cab ride
  6. 6. To catch a cab. Find a large group, walk ahead of them flag a cab
  7. 7. Order a Peach bunny to soothe the tension in your mouth
  8. 8. Don’t forget to get your bag sealed before shopping
  9. 9. The portions are HUGE don’t be shy ask to take it away its you paid for it
  10. 10. Internet restrictions yiiikes!


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