It can be as simple as
Waiting for the right mood
Waiting for the right time
Then look at the way you organize your work.
It can be as simple as
Waiting for the right mood
Waiting for the right time
Then look at the way you organize your work.
You may notice other reasons for procrastination like;
Lack of clear goals
Underestimating the difficulty of the tasks
Underestimating the time required to complete the tasks
Unclear standards for the task outcomes
Feeling as the tasks are imposed on you from outside
Too ambiguous tasks
And there are also many connections with
Underdeveloped decision making skills
Fear of failure or fear of success
Making your own decisions and accepting the consequences is the only way to stay in control of your time, your success, and your life.
Keep an eye on your goals and then let your intuition suggest you the right choice.
Ability to see what tasks are more important at each moment and give those tasks more of your attention, energy, and time.
Focus on what is important at the expense of lower value activities
The 80/20 Rule states that 80 percent of our typical activities contribute less than 20 percent to the value of our work
The important or high priority, tasks are the tasks that help us achieve our long-term goals or can have other meaningful and significant long-term consequences
The same time, things that are most important for us, like improving ourselves and our skills, getting a better education, spending time with family, often are not urgent.
A plan is like a map.
Writing an action plan
To achieve a particular goal or outcome
- Clarify your goal.
o Can you get a visual picture of the expected outcome?
o How can you see if you have reached your destination?
o What does make your goal measurable?
o Constraints = Me
- Analyze, prioritize, and prune.
- Organize your list into a plan.
- Monitor the execution of your plan and review the plan regularly.
o How much have you progressed towards your goal by now?
o What new information you have got?
o Use this information to further adjust and optimize your plan.
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