Bull Shit? I need to do SOMETHING!
CAREER OUTLOOK – think of a task or out look I enjoyed or dealt with successfully and list skills used
Identify my transferable skills, examples listening, establishing rapport, analysing, seeing the big picture, finding the best solutions, meeting deadlines, managing a team, communication effectively
Consider what I want to be, not about what I want to do. Who I want to be and how to express that
• I want to be strong or give the impression of strength
• I want to give the impression of being in control or be in control
• I need to be successful
• I want to be happy
Expose Obstacles, fear, money – how to reduce risks
• I don’t know where to start
• I am can’t see the results in what I am doing
• I am frustrated
• I cannot speak up for myself effectively
• I am afraid of failure
Consider how you want to feel,
• I want to feel content
• I want to feel that I have explored completely my potential
• I want to feel proud of my achievements
• I want to feel powerful
Be open to possibilities
• I want to work in a multinational corporation with travel and exposure and benefits
• I want to make a lot of money
• I want to work be tested, challenged, learn and grow
Spiritual Awareness:
Know my purpose,
• My purpose to have my family
• Provide, love and support them
• My purpose is to stretch as far as I can reach and enjoy my life with no regrets
Know my values,
• Honesty to me
• Success
• Determination & Focus
• Water off a ducks back
• Fairness
• Strength
Know my needs,
• I need to be financially independent
• I need to be successful
• I need to make my family
• I need to not care about what anyone else thinks
• I need to be in control of myself
Know my passions,
• Learning and exploring cultures, skills
Live from the inside out; Increase my awareness of my inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Breathe deeply to quiet my distracted mind
Honour my strengths,
• I am very intelligent and adaptable
• I am considerate and loyal
• I have goals I will achieve
Take time to play
Be aware of my self-talk; make them supportive, encouraging or positive
Be aware of negative self talk
Surround myself with inspiration; Keep a success journal (hate this idea!)
Write down my five greatest strength post them where I can see them
Last Friday of each month write down my accomplishments both big and small
Serve others – Zakat
Identify my transferable skills, examples listening, establishing rapport, analysing, seeing the big picture, finding the best solutions, meeting deadlines, managing a team, communication effectively
Consider what I want to be, not about what I want to do. Who I want to be and how to express that
• I want to be strong or give the impression of strength
• I want to give the impression of being in control or be in control
• I need to be successful
• I want to be happy
Expose Obstacles, fear, money – how to reduce risks
• I don’t know where to start
• I am can’t see the results in what I am doing
• I am frustrated
• I cannot speak up for myself effectively
• I am afraid of failure
Consider how you want to feel,
• I want to feel content
• I want to feel that I have explored completely my potential
• I want to feel proud of my achievements
• I want to feel powerful
Be open to possibilities
• I want to work in a multinational corporation with travel and exposure and benefits
• I want to make a lot of money
• I want to work be tested, challenged, learn and grow
Spiritual Awareness:
Know my purpose,
• My purpose to have my family
• Provide, love and support them
• My purpose is to stretch as far as I can reach and enjoy my life with no regrets
Know my values,
• Honesty to me
• Success
• Determination & Focus
• Water off a ducks back
• Fairness
• Strength
Know my needs,
• I need to be financially independent
• I need to be successful
• I need to make my family
• I need to not care about what anyone else thinks
• I need to be in control of myself
Know my passions,
• Learning and exploring cultures, skills
Live from the inside out; Increase my awareness of my inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Breathe deeply to quiet my distracted mind
Honour my strengths,
• I am very intelligent and adaptable
• I am considerate and loyal
• I have goals I will achieve
Take time to play
Be aware of my self-talk; make them supportive, encouraging or positive
Be aware of negative self talk
Surround myself with inspiration; Keep a success journal (hate this idea!)
Write down my five greatest strength post them where I can see them
Last Friday of each month write down my accomplishments both big and small
Serve others – Zakat
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