Natural Hair
Posted 04-14-2009 at 11:20 AM by Arewa Girl
Natural hair
I am fed up with it, really.
I refuse to measure my hair, I am trying to refuse to think about it.
I am bored of my wigs,
I don’t feel up to braiding
I love being able just take it off my wig and be me
But the hair is not growing!!!!
Not the way I would like it to.
I think there is a conspiracy between my hair and my something else.
It grows fine, and then it breaks.
Breaks, sheds, knots, kinks, tangle, twist, snarl which ever word it wants to be described as.
The dang thing refuses to grow like I need it to.
Faithfully I deep condition weekly,
Faithfully I wear my granny satin cap with the elastic
Faithfully I do my version of protective styling
And faithfully my hair teases me with growth and then lets me down.
My sis says I just haven’t figured out how to style my natural hair
I just can’t see its beauty without its length
My hair probably knows this that is why it is driving me NUTS!
Natural hair
I am fed up with it, really.
I refuse to measure my hair, I am trying to refuse to think about it.
I am bored of my wigs,
I don’t feel up to braiding
I love being able just take it off my wig and be me
But the hair is not growing!!!!
Not the way I would like it to.
I think there is a conspiracy between my hair and my something else.
It grows fine, and then it breaks.
Breaks, sheds, knots, kinks, tangle, twist, snarl which ever word it wants to be described as.
The dang thing refuses to grow like I need it to.
Faithfully I deep condition weekly,
Faithfully I wear my granny satin cap with the elastic
Faithfully I do my version of protective styling
And faithfully my hair teases me with growth and then lets me down.
My sis says I just haven’t figured out how to style my natural hair
I just can’t see its beauty without its length
My hair probably knows this that is why it is driving me NUTS!
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