Loving London
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Loving London
Loving London
Loving London
Loving London
Went to the Vet’s this morning on my way to work,
my dog L has issues.
Overhead on the radio that the weather was going to be crap wasn’t for me though.
The sun was a bright as the yellow shirt on my back.
L was pulling at the lead and barking up a storm.
I swear he never acts his age!
Finally at the vet’s, there a harried nurse on the phone and two clients ahead of me!
I am going to be so late for work.
Kittens in a case, two clients were a couple.
Two women?
Possibly, I thought I saw a moustache and beard.
I know a woman,
I love women definitely two xx chromosomes.
Made me smile
Ding dong goes the bell, bark bark goes L.
Another woman, just like me
I love London,
Where else would I find 3 lesbians at the Vet in the morning on my way to work
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